Configuration in SpringBoot

This extension can be added as a Spring Boot starter dependency to your project using group id org.axonframework.extensions.kafka and artifact id axon-kafka-spring-boot-starter. When using the auto configuration, the following components will be created for you automatically:

Generic components


A using the configured eventSerializer (which defaults to XStreamSerializer), which is used by default to convert between Axon Event messages and Kafka records.

Uses a String for the keys and a byte[] for the record’s values.

When the property axon.kafka.message-converter-mode is set to cloud_event a CloudEventKafkaMessageConverter will be used instead. This will use String for the keys and CloudEvent.

For each the matching Kafka (de)serializers will also be set as default.

Producer components


A DefaultProducerFactory using a String for the keys and a byte[] for the record’s values.

This creates a ProducerFactory in confirmation mode "NONE", as is specified here.

The axon.kafka.publisher.confirmation-mode should be adjusted to change this mode, where the "TRANSACTIONAL" mode requires axon.kafka.producer.transaction-id-prefix property to be provided.

If the axon.kafka.producer.transaction-id-prefix is non-null and non-empty,it is assumed a "TRANSACTIONAL" confirmation mode is desired.


Uses a Producer instance from the ProducerFactory to publish events to the configured Kafka topic.


Used to provide events to the KafkaPublisher and to assign a processor name and processing group called __axon-kafka-event-publishing-group to it. Defaults to a SubscribingEventProcessor.

If a TrackingEventProcessor is desired, the axon.kafka.producer.event-processor-mode should be set to tracking.

Consumer components


A DefaultConsumerFactory using a String for the keys and a byte[] for the record’s values


An AsyncFetcher. To adjust the Fetcher poll timeout, the axon.kafka.fetcher.poll-timeout can be set.


A StreamableKafkaMessageSource which can be used for TrackingEventProcessor instances

Properties file configuration

When using the Spring Boot auto-configuration be mindful to provide an file. The Kafka extension configuration specifics should be placed under prefix axon.kafka. On this level, the bootstrapServers (defaults to localhost:9092) and default-topic used by the producing and consuming side can be defined.

The DefaultProducerFactory and DefaultConsumerFactory expects a Map of configuration properties, which correspond to Kafka Producer and Consumer specific properties respectively. As such, Axon itself passes along these properties without using them directly itself. The file provides a number of named properties under the axon.kafka.producer. and axon.kafka.consumer. prefixes. If the property you are looking for is not predefined in Axon KafkaProperties file, you are always able to introduce properties in a map style.

# This is a sample properties file to configure the Kafka Extension
    bootstrap-servers: localhost:9092
    client-id: kafka-axon-example
    default-topic: local.event
      security.protocol: PLAINTEXT

      confirmation-mode: transactional

      transaction-id-prefix: kafka-sample
      retries: 0
      event-processor-mode: subscribing
      # For additional unnamed properties, add them to the `properties` map like so
        some-key: [some-value]

      poll-timeout: 3000

      enable-auto-commit: true
      auto-commit-interval: 3000
      event-processor-mode: tracking
      # For additional unnamed properties, add them to the `properties` map like so
        some-key: [some-value]
Auto configuring a SubscribableKafkaMessageSource

The auto configured StreamableKafkaMessageSource can be toggled off by setting the axon.kafka.consumer.event-processing-mode to subscribing.

Note that this does not create a SubscribableKafkaMessageSource for you out of the box. To set up a subscribable message, we recommend to read this section.